Are you planning to merge or acquire another company or organization? According to a Harvard Management Update: "Most [mergers] fail to add shareholder value-indeed, post-merger, two-thirds of the newly formed companies perform well below the industry average."
When companies or nonprofit organizations plan to merge, there are many things to consider before and after the merger takes place. Usually the legal and financial issues are given a thorough look pre-merger. The numbers are crunched and the term sheets are reviewed. At best, most executives manage the business integration but totally ignore the critical cultural and people issues; and leave the technology and operational issues to be addressed after the merger has taken place when it is too late to turn back. More often than not, the cultural and people issues are the reason for post-merger underperformance and failure.
J. F. Smith & Associates uses our cross-functional team approach to your merger activity. If you are exploring the idea of merger or acquisition and would like to look at some theoretical business models or have identified possible targets, we can help you understand the impact it will have on your company
Your merger will have impact on every person and department in your organization. We will provide some or all of the following: